If you're experiencing allergies in the late summer and into the autumn months, there's a chance that you may be allergic to ragweed. If you find that your allergy symptoms flare when the cooler weather starts to set in, you may be wondering how to find relief from the annoying itchy throat, watery eyes, sneezing, stuffy nose, and other symptoms that plague allergy sufferers.
Because ragweed grows easily in many types of environments, ragweed allergies affect millions of Americans every year. Here are a few ways that you can tackle your ragweed allergy symptoms head-on.
1. Track Local Pollen Counts
Ragweed pollen packs a powerful punch, with each plant producing up to a billion pollen grains! How much ragweed pollen is in the air can fluctuate from day to day around the country, so it's important to keep track of pollen counts for certain allergens in the area where you live and work. You can use a pollen tracking smartphone app or simply check websites like Pollen.com to see what the pollen counts for the coming days will be. When you notice that pollen will be higher on a certain day, you can take extra precautions to protect yourself, or choose to limit your time spent in outdoor areas.
2. Avoid Peak Ragweed Hours
Ragweed pollen counts tend to be higher in the middle of the day and lower in the early morning and late afternoon. Limiting your time outside between the hours of 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM will help lessen the severity of your symptoms.
3. Keep Your Clothing In Mind
When you go outside, even if it's only for a minute, ragweed pollen can cling to your clothes and shoes, which can bring your allergen from the outdoors into your home. To avoid tracking pollen indoors, remove your shoes when entering your house, and change your clothes if necessary. Never sleep in the clothes you wore outside, as this can aggravate your allergies during the night causing you to wake up feeling sniffly and sneezy.
4. Shower Regularly
In the same way that ragweed pollen can stick to your clothing and shoes, pollen can also stick to your skin and hair. A quick shower can wash off any pollen that's sticking to you, so if you notice that your allergies are flaring, hop under the water. It's also a good idea to shower before bed to rinse away any residual pollen on your body so that you can sleep comfortably.
5. Take An Antihistamine Like Ahist
You can use an antihistamine to relieve symptoms like itchy eyes, runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, and congestion. While there are lots of different antihistamines on the market, some may have undesirable side effects for some people. If you find that one antihistamine doesn't work for you, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't try another! Ahist is a safe, affordable, and dependable antihistamine that can treat your worst allergy symptoms so that you can concentrate on your life or fall asleep easier at night.
If fall allergies are a problem for you, and other treatments haven't helped, try Ahist! If you'd like to learn more about how Ahist can help you, contact us for more information.